Drawing Faces at The National Portrait Gallery
Working from the marble busts and paintings, you’ll be learning how to draw a face at the National Portrait Gallery; the perfect location for drawing portraits. Many people struggle with face drawing; how to draw a realistic face. This course focuses on helping you to capture the character and emotion in a face. You’ll learn to break down the features and spacial relationships involved in a face into forms that you understand and can then recreate with accuracy. We will be working in a range of materials (coloured papers, dark and light pencils and graphite sticks) and as usual the focus will be on helping you to see form and shade to capture both photo-realistic realism and impressionistic similarity.
Join us and learn how to draw a face. Leave with your own portrait drawing.
The day starts at 10.15 and finishes at 5.15 and as with all our drawing courses there is a break for lunch between 1.15 and 2.15.
To see dates and to book a place please click here.

Beatrix Potter by Mike Collett based on Beatrix Potter (Mrs Heelis) by Delmar Banner. Photo: National Portrait Gallery, London
Join us to learn about drawing faces at The National Portrait Gallery, London. Or, if you have any questions call or email Rosa on 07883 068 325 info@sketchout.net.